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Saturday, April 29
FBI agents going crazy.
Crazy for national security letters, that is. National security letters are a special subpoena that lets the feds get at bank, phone, and internet records without having to get the approvoal of a judge. Ever since original Patriot Act made it much easier for the FBI to issue the letters, civil libertarians have warned that abuses would be inevitable. As we are finding out, those fears appear to be well-grounded. According to a report just released to Congress by the Justice Department, the FBI used national security letters 9254 times during 2005, examining records for 3051 people in the US. That figure is up 15% over 2004. The numbers were released under a provision of this year's Patriot Act renewal, and was one of the few meaningful concessions extracted by Democrats in return for that renewal. Previously, statistics on national security letters were classified and released only selectively to members of Congress. The new information on the letters drew immediate criticism from ACLU legislative counsel Lisa Graves: "Now we can see why the administration was so eager to hide the number." For more on how the feds are using national security letters, see this earlier post. | | Posted by Magpie at 1:43 AM | Get permalink
Playing president.
Journalist Robert Scheer has been around a long time. I first read his work in the 1960s, when he was writing for Ramparts [an excellent New Left magazine]. From the mid=1970s until earlier this year, he was national correspondent and a contributing editor for the LA Times. These days, Scheer hangs his hat mainly at The Nation and TruthDig. ![]() Scheer has covered every president since Richard Nixon, and has done in-depth interview with all of them with the notable and not surprising exception of the current occupant of the Oval Office. Scheer has taken what he learned from those interviews and from being a close observer of the US poltical process and written a book, Playing President: My Close Encounters with Nixon, Carter, Bush I, Reagan and Clinton -- and How They Did Not Prepare Me for George W. Bush. The book examines how the presidency has changed over the past three decades, especially how television has affected the way presidents govern and the way that the press covers or doesn't cover important political issues. Over at AlterNet, Onnesha Roychoudhuri has an excellent interview with Scheer about his book, the presidents he has met, and why US politics are so screwed up. You should read more than just the excerpt here. OR: Has it been frustrating for you -- to see the same issues that plague our country come up time and again? Are you hopeful, or have you become more cynical? You can read the rest of the interview here. In addition, AlterNet has posted an excerpt from Playing Politics that you can read here. | | Posted by Magpie at 1:01 AM | Get permalink
Friday, April 28
Warning! Warning!
You might already be a terrorist. No, really! ![]() Excerpt from 'Terrorism: What the Public Needs to Know' leaflet I dunno about you, but that list alone pretty much puts this magpie on the terrorist watch list. Via MoJo Blog and InfoWars.com. | | Posted by Magpie at 12:46 PM | Get permalink
That sure settles the question, doesn't it?
Our Dear Leader eases the country's anger over oil industry price gouging: "I have no evidence that there is any rip-off taking place," Bush told reporters at the White House. Of course he doesn't have any evidence that a rip-off is taking place. The guys running the oil companies are the prez's buddies and he can overlook any amount of criminality and incompetence on the part of his cronies. Anyway, this administration has gutted the regulatory process to the point that anything the oil companies could be sending out squads of pickpockets to take our money directly and it wouldn't be illegal. And since the hallmark of a rip-off is illegality, the oil companies can't possibly be ripping the country off, can they? Via Reuters. | | Posted by Magpie at 11:57 AM | Get permalink
It's déjà vu all over again.
Dubya is obviously one of those folks who believes that if you do the same thing over and over, eventually the result will be different. President Bush is expected on Friday to announce his approval of a deal under which a Dubai-owned company would take control of nine plants in the United States that manufacture parts for American military vehicles and aircraft, say two administration officials familiar with the terms of the deal.... The NY Times has the full details here. | | Posted by Magpie at 3:58 AM | Get permalink
Going to where the buck really stops.
NY Times columnist Paul Krugman isn't buying the idea that getting rid of FEMA and replacing it with some new agency will make things all better. FEMA's botched response to Hurricane Katrina wasn't a fluke it was the predictable result of Dubya's penchant for placing incompetent cronies into positions of authority. The history of FEMA and other agencies during the Clinton years shows that a president who is serious about governing can rebuild effective government without renaming the boxes on the organizational chart. If you're a NY Times subscriber, you can read the rest of the column here. If not, I suggest following this link. [Thanks, Peking Duck!] | | Posted by Magpie at 3:32 AM | Get permalink
Shutting up those damn critics.
It's no secreat that Dubya's administration repeatedly ignored dissenting views in the intelligence community when making important foreign policy decisions especially those regarding Iraq. In typical style, the administration has figured out how to deal solve this embarrassing political problem: Get rid of the dissenting views. According to reporter Shane Harris, the CIA has put new restrictions on the publications by former employees who still do contract work with the agency. According to several former CIA officials affected by the new policy, the rules are intended to suppress criticism of the Bush administration and of the CIA. The officials say the restrictions amount to an unprecedented political "appropriateness" test at odds with earlier CIA policies on outside publishing. Like a lot of Dubya administration policy decisions, it's unlikely that the new CIA rule will silence critics. "If this is the direction in which it's going ... the agency would be shooting itself in the foot," said one former official who was involved in contracting with outside experts to solicit reviews of draft intelligence assessments. "At a time when the agency is being criticized at least as much as it ever has for 'groupthink,' unchallenged assumptions, and not practicing alternative analysis rigorously, this is one of the last changes it ought to be making." The full article is here. Via National Journal. | | Posted by Magpie at 2:12 AM | Get permalink
Thursday, April 27
Aljazeera's new channel not ready for primetime.
I've been one of those who's been anxiously waiting to get a look at Aljazeera International, the new English-language news channel from the well-known Arab satellite broadcaster. It was supposed to be going on the air sometime in the next few weeks, but the latest news is that the debut is being delayed at least until sometime in the summer. ![]() But, says journalist and media analyst Lawrence Pintak, internal disputes at Aljazeera are playing a big role in the delay. Those disputes center on the new channel's content especially on how its news coverage will differ from established channels such as the BBC and CNN and on who exactly will be staffing Aljazeera Internationl. Interviews with staffers reveal two core concerns about the new channel. First is the question of credibility. Given the Bush administration's dislike of al-Jazeera, the new English version will be under a microscope, with the station's critics waiting to pounce. The fear among al-Jazeera staffers is that, in its eagerness to make its own mark, the new channel will make journalistic mistakes, which will reflect poorly on the Arabic channel. Via CJR Daily. | | Posted by Magpie at 10:41 AM | Get permalink
And FEMA's hits just keep on coming.
After the Hurricane Katrina, the feds promised year-long housing vouchers to families that were forced out of their homes. Those vouchers paid for both rent and utilities while evacuees waited for their homes to be rebuilt. Now the brilliant minds at FEMA have decided to pull the plug on the housing vouchers of 55,000 families. FEMA claims that it never promised to provide help for a full year. Officials in Houston and other cities that took large numbers of evacuees say that FEMA is lying. To make matters worse, advocates and local officials say, many evacuees either do not know why they have been found ineligible or have been given spurious reasons. Many notices do not even give a deadline, saying only, "You will not be asked to leave before April 30." Via NY Times. | | Posted by Magpie at 1:18 AM | Get permalink
New Orleans: Situation bad, and getting worse.
New Orleans civil rights/human rights lawyer Bill Quigley paints a mainly bleak picture of what things are like in the Big Easy eight months after Hurricane Katrina.
That's only a part the story that Quigley tells in his article. You can read it here. Via truthout. | | Posted by Magpie at 12:29 AM | Get permalink
Wednesday, April 26
The end-all of hurricane stories.
Frances Hodge of Copeland, Florida is 99 years old. She's a survivor. When Hurricane Wilma struck Copeland last year, Miss Frances survived, even though the same couldn't quite be said about her trailer. Given her age, you'd think that local authorities would have gotten her into a new trailer fast. ![]() Frances Hodge on the porch of her new trailer, which may or may not finally be ready for habitation. [Photo: AP] You'd be quite wrong, though. Via Dees Diversion. | | Posted by Magpie at 1:06 AM | Get permalink
Thank god someone is protecting the country from those teen sex cults.
While countries such as Canada have made emergency contraception easily available, women in the US are still waiting for the Food and Drug Administration to end the current need to get a prescription for the drug [Plan B]. The FDA rejected unrestricted sales of Plan B in 2004, and has repeatedly delayed making a decision as to whether to allow over-the-counter sales for women age 16 and over. These delays, evidence shows, are largely due to pressure from right-wing religious groups who oppose any form of contraception. The federal district court in Brooklyn, New York is currently hearing a lawsuit brought by the Center for Reproductive Rights, which is asking the court to order the FDA to immediately approve over-the-counter sales of Plan B. Some of the documents that have surfaced during the discovery phase of the trial are, to put it mildly, very interesting: Simon Heller, one of the attorneys, plans to quiz [former deputy FDA commissioner Janet] Woodcock about a March 23, 2004, staff memo suggesting she was concerned Plan B might lead to teenage promiscuity. You read that right. Woodock wanted to bar over-the-counter sales of emergency contraception because teenagers might use Plan B in sex cults. That's the state of science not to mention the rights of women in Dubya's administration. Via Newsday. | | Posted by Magpie at 12:01 AM | Get permalink
Death on the job.
![]() Here's part of the introduction: Since 1970, when the OSH Act was passed, workplace safety and health conditions have improved. Unfortunately, as demonstrated by the Sago mine disaster in January 2006, too many workers remain at risk, and face death, injury or disease as a result of their jobs. As we did when last year's report came out, I'm going to crib from Jordan Barab's post on the report at his blog Confined Space [which is by far the best blog on worker's health and safety there is]. Since Barab spent 16 years running AFSCME's health and safety program, he knows what he's talking about.
There's a lot more detail on the report in Barab's full post, which I highly suggest you go read. You can read the full Death on the Job report here, or download a PDF file containing the report here. Via Confined Space. | | Posted by Magpie at 12:00 AM | Get permalink
Tuesday, April 25
Canada gets its own Dubya.
Sadly, it's not because Dubya has decamped to Canada. Instead, our Dear Leader's spirit has gone north as Canada's new Conservative party governnment acts more and more like its counterpart in Washington. PM Stephen Harper has already faced criticism for his gutting of Canada's Climate Change Program and his Environment minister's order preventing a government scientist from speaking about his novel about climate change. This is pretty familar stuff for us in the US, who've watched years of Dubya rolling back envrionmental protection and silencing scientist who disagree with the administration's party line. Harper is stepping up his emulation of our Dear Leader in the wake of the deaths of four Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan on Saturday. The bodies of those soldiers are being returned to Canada tonight and Harper's government has banned press coverage of that return much like Dubya's administration has barred the press from the return of the bodies of US soldiers from Iran and Afghanistan. Up until now, the press has always covered the ceremonies when soldiers' bodies come home. Opposition MPs immediately accused the Prime Minister of adopting American-style tactics to limit public exposure to Canada's mounting death toll now at 16 in Afghanistan. The press ban comes as criticism of Canada's involvement in Afghanistan is rising, both in the press and among the Canadian public at large. One would think that Harper could just look over the border to see how Dubya's attempts to 'manage' the Iraq war has resulted in record low approval ratings. However, it appears that the PM's reported admiration of the US presidential system may be making him just as blind to the consequences of his decisions as Dubya has been. Via Reuters, Toronto Star, and rabble. | | Posted by Magpie at 2:27 PM | Get permalink
Uh, I think the Democrats think they've found their big issue for November.
US House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi rips Dubya a new one for his failure to deal with rising gasoline and fuel oil prices: If you want to reduce our dependence on foreign oil and therefore improve our national security situation, you can't do it if you're a Republican because you are too wedded to the oil companies. We have two oilmen in the white house. The logical follow-up from that is $3 a gallon gasoline. There is no accident. It is a cause and effect. A cause and effect. Via Suburban Guerrilla. | | Posted by Magpie at 1:58 PM | Get permalink
Dubya's administration piles up more of those amazing 'coincidences.'
Tell me that these two AP stories about actions taken today by Dubya and First, there's this one about how Dubya's responding to high gas prices: President Bush on Tuesday ordered a temporary suspension of environmental rules for gasoline, making it easier for refiners to meet demand and possibly dampen prices at the pump.... And then there's this one about how Dubya's administration is responding to California's strict new rules for greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles: Federal officials said Wednesday that new national mileage standards would pre-empt state rules on greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles, a move that takes aim at California's first-in-the-nation limits on such pollution. Do you notice what the administration's two actions today have in common? Yep, they both get rid of rules designed to cut air pollution. And who benefits? Not the people who have to breathe the air or have to pay for the environmental and medical side effects of the added pollution, that's for sure. But automakers and oil companies stand to make a lot of bucks: Automakers as a result of not having to comply with California pollution rules that would eat into their profit margins especially on SUVs, which have been the main source of US auto industry profits since the late 1990s. And oil companies will undoubtedly fail to pass on any savings that would result from having to start adding ethanol to gasoline this summer. Suspicious types would probably look at those two AP stories and say that big business was raking it in while the rest of us get screwed. But here at Magpie, we know better than that. Yes, we've found another amazing coincidence! | | Posted by Magpie at 1:14 PM | Get permalink
Look what they found in Davy Jones' locker.
Well, a mile or so beneath Davy Jones locker, actually. A drilling crew looking for oil in the the North Sea off Norway was surprised by what came up in a drill core the other day. It was Norway's first dinosaur fossil, and the deepest dinosaur fossil found anywhere in the world. ![]() The crushed plateosaurus knucklebone found off Norway [left] What drillers found was the knucklebone of a plateosaurus, an early plant-eating dinosaur that lived in Europe and Greenland about 200 million years ago. The fossil was brought up from 2256 meters below the sea bottom 1.4 miles in US terms. Given that the North Sea was once a plain broken by meandering streams and rivers, it's likely that there are more fossils down there although it's rather unlikely that any of them will be found by paleontologists other than as an accidental result of oil drilling. Via Science Daily and PhysOrg. | | Posted by Magpie at 10:49 AM | Get permalink
You know those pharmacists whose consciences won't let them dispense emergency contraception?
Seattle's The Stranger weekly reports on how some pharmacists in Washington state have refused to dispense abortion-related antibiotics and vitamins to patients of Cedar River Clinics, an abortion provider. A big Magpie thank-you to Ann at Feministing. | | Posted by Magpie at 2:32 AM | Get permalink
Oil for 12 bucks a barrel.
Remember how toppling Saddam Hussein was going to bring back the days of cheap oil? What? You don't? That's okay. I'm sure that the Iraq hawks who were peddling that sort of nonsense back in 2002 and early 2003 [conveniently] don't remember what they were saying back then. And they'd certainly be glad to know that you don't remember stuff like the following, either. The Wall Street Journal opined: That's just one of the gems of forgotten Iraq war history that Blah3 has kindly unearthed for our edification. Make sure to go check out the rest. Via NewsHog. | | Posted by Magpie at 2:01 AM | Get permalink
Monday, April 24
Keeping the internet free.
Matt Stoller has everything you need to know: Background on the Issue: The internet is open because private companies haven't been allowed to block content they don't like. Now the telcos want to make it so they can block what you see. You should also go over to this post and scroll down the comments until you find the press release from the right-wing outfit, FreedomWorks. If you're not already convinced about the need to preserve net neutrality, that should change your mind. Via MyDD. | | Posted by Magpie at 3:24 PM | Get permalink
Pop quiz!
Here's the beginning of an excellent article on how religious conservatives have the US government peddling a 'moral agenda' instead of providing accurate health care information. For the past 15 years, Ruth Shaber, M.D., has been an ob-gyn in San Francisco for Kaiser Permanente, one of the nation's largest health maintenance organizations. She sees all types of women?union members, executives, waitresses. Most of them, Dr. Shaber says, have questions for her, including how to protect themselves from sexually transmitted diseases, how to preserve their fertility, how to prevent breast and cervical cancer and whether the latest Internet health scare they've heard is really true. Quick! Identify the source of the article. Give up? It's from the current issue of Glamour. Yes, that Glamour. And yes, my jaw dropped, too. You can read the whole thing here. And you really should read it all. It's one of the best summaries I've seen of how right-wing Christian activists have taken control of the FDA, HHS, and other federal agencies that govern how the US medical system deals with women's health care issues. Via Bitch Ph.d. | | Posted by Magpie at 2:27 PM | Get permalink
Worried about your changing body?
So is the US Attorney General! If you watch this short film, you'll feel much better. ![]() [Grab from video by Hal Lublin & Ken Laws] Thanks to Broadsheet for pointing this one out. | | Posted by Magpie at 11:14 AM | Get permalink
Can you say 'impeach'?
I think we've reached smoking gun territory after Ed Bradley's interview with former CIA officer Tyler Drumheller that ran on Sunday's edition of the CBS news program 60 Minutes. Take a look at this part of the transcript: BRADLEY: [In October 2002,] the CIA had made a major intelligence breakthrough on Iraq's nuclear program. Naji Sabri, Iraq's foreign minister, had made a deal to reveal Iraq's military secrets to the CIA. Tyler Drumheller was in charge of the operation. There's nothing new in the revelation that Dubya's administration was ignoring intelligence that contradicted its public insistence that the Saddam Hussein government had WMDs. What has been missing before now was hard evidence that Dubya had been told that there no WMDs evidence that Drumheller provides. This story is front-page news on papers around the world. Why isn't it on front pages in the US? CBS News' article on the Drumheller interview is here. You can watch the 60 Minutes story if you go here. | | Posted by Magpie at 10:54 AM | Get permalink
Are you now or have you ever been ...?
... a Democrat? Dubya's administration has deservedly taken a ton of flak for cherry-picking intelligence when deciding to go to war in Iraq. If the intelligence didn't match what the administration had already decided was true, it was ignored. Now, however, it appears that the White House is taking things to a new level. Check out this paragraph that the Washington Post buried at the bottom of a story about the firing of the CIA office who leaked info about the CIA's secret prisons: The White House also has recently barraged the agency with questions about the political affiliations of some of its senior intelligence officers, according to intelligence officials. That's right: Dubya's administration is going after intelligence officers on the basis of whether they voted for the prez. In other words, they're not going to wait for someone to blow the whistle on the administration's illegal activities they're going to try to get rid of anyone whose politics make them 'unreliable.' I'd make comparisons to how the Soviet Union used to handle this kind of stuff, but you'd only think I was being shrill. | | Posted by Magpie at 10:43 AM | Get permalink
I don't want to be rude.
But maybe, perhaps the current occupant of the White House might have done something wrong. Possibly. But please don't quote me on that, okay? ![]() If you want to see what else Ted Rall has to say about how the Democrats are dealing with Dubya and impeachment, take a look at the full cartoon over here. And if you want to see more of Rall's stuff, check out his website. Via Association of American Editorial Cartoonists. | | Posted by Magpie at 6:26 AM | Get permalink
Sunday, April 23
Rescuing Dubya's sorry ass.
This week's issue of Time reports on how Dubya's new chief of staff, Joshua Bolten, has a five-pont plan for fixing the prez's sagging political fortunes. 1. Deploy Guns and Badges. After reading these points, it looks to this mapgie that Bolten's plan is just to do more of the same stuff that Dubya's administration has already been doing. Boding even worse for the plan's success is the really questionable reasoning that seems to undergird it: For example, having Dubya brag more about his accomplishments is based on the belief that the prez's stump tour to promote his Medicare drug plan was really successful exactly the opposite of how most observers outside the White House rated it. And, as Time points out, most of the US public already doesn't trust Dubya to make the right decisions regarding Iran. That certainly makes me wonder why Bolten thinks that scaring voters with the Iran boogeyman will work any better than, say, scaring voters with the Iraq boogeyman has already been working. If I were a Democratic strategist, I think I'd be feeling like Bolten was handing me the November elections on a platter. | | Posted by Magpie at 11:42 AM | Get permalink
Positive images. Not.
As a lesbian who didn't come out until her mid-30s, I have no doubt I would have accepted my own sexuality earlier and with far less pain if I'd had positive images of lesbian women when I was in my teens and early 20s. Given that, I ought to be happy that a company called DykeDolls is marketing lesbian-identified action figures. I mean, 'Redefining culture, one girl at a time' is a pretty good idea, right? ![]() 'Kelly, Christine, and little Soo Jin.' Notice which face we aren't shown. Well, maybe I would if I thought that lesbians are almost all white. And that the ones who aren't either play basketball or are cute Asian children who need to be saved by white lesbian couples. blac(k)ademic has a whole lot more. And while you're there, check out her post on Blogging Against Heteronormativity Day. It's chock-full of links to posts that challenge the notion that 'female' and 'male' are rigid categories, and that point out the ways that these categories are used to circumscribe our daily lives. Make sure to catch the late links that are posted in the comments. | | Posted by Magpie at 10:45 AM | Get permalink |
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